Airlines have limited lost baggage liability and few medical plans cover overseas emergencies. Therefore travel insurance is a good buy that will assure you of a trouble free vacation. Check with your insurance company. If additional coverage is desired, we highly recommend travel and cancellation insurance.
A valid passport is required of U.S. citizens for all travel outside the United States.
Our tours are priced per person, double occupancy. There will be a single supplement charge based on availability. However, by choosing to share a room with another "single" you have the advantage of making a small savings and the pleasure that this companionship offers. If you are traveling on your own, we will do our best to find someone of similar preferences. When a roommate cannot be found, a supplement will be required at time of final payment.
Your reservation is complete when Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. has received the signed booking form or telephone reservation accompanied by the appropriate deposit, and has sent you an invoice confirming your travel arrangements. We reserve the right to correct an error in an advertised price until your account is paid in full.
The price of your Apostolos tour includes a number of elements that together make up a "package". We regret that we are unable to make any refund related to the cost of any individual element, such as an included excursion, or meals, that you choose not to take. Any deviation from the set package will incur a $100 fee.
Please note we will hold the prices for as long s possible. Unfortunately we are seeing currency fluctuations between the Dollar and the Euro. We try to absorb small currency fluctuations. However, if there is a larger fluctuation we may be forced to ask for surcharges. Surcharges if necessary will be activated 60 days before departure.
Normally, we close reservations for our tours 50 days prior to departure. We do, however, try to accommodate late bookings when space is available, on a first come, first served basis. Before making a late reservation, be sure to check for space availability with us by calling Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc.. Any tour that is booked within 50 days of departure requires payment in full by certified check, money order or credit card and mailed by overnight courier.
If you wish to cancel your trip, the following cancellation fees apply: With written notice in our office, $100 cancellation fee per person between January 15th and June 1st; $300 cancellation fee per person after June 2nd; 60 to 45 days prior to departure, the cancellation fee is 50% of the total price; Within 44 days of departure no refund will be made. We highly recommend purchase of cancellation insurance to protect you from these charges if a medical emergency occurs.
Please send all correspondence, deposits, payments and registration to Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc., 2685 S. Dayton Way #14, Denver, CO 80231. Please make all deposits and payments payable to: Apostolos Tours Marathon Inc. A completed registration form and a deposit of $300 per person is required at the time of booking. Full payment is due within 60 days prior to departure, or your reservation could be canceled and your deposit forfeited.
Airfare, items of personal nature, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks(with the exception of the gala dinner), travel insurance, tips for guides and drivers, gratuities, and lunches except when specified on full day tours.
Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. assists in making necessary air and land travel arrangements for participating members, and in no way represents, or acts as an agent for, transportation carriers, hotels, and other suppliers or services connected with the tours. Travel and services are subject only to the terms and conditions under which such accommodations, services, and transportation are offered or provided , and Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc., and their respective employees, agents, representatives, and assigns, accept no responsibility and liability therefor. Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. is not liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay .or irregularity which may be caused by the defect of any vehicle or the negligence or default of any company or person engaged in carrying out or performing any of the services involved. Additionally, responsibility is not accepted for losses or expenses due to sickness, weather, strikes, wars or other such causes. All services and accommodations are subject to the laws of the country in which they are provided. Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in the published itinerary whenever, in their sole judgment, conditions warrant, or if they deem it necessary for the comfort, convenience or safety of the tour. They reserve the right to withdraw without penalty any tour announced. Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. reserves the right to decline to accept any person as a member of the tour, or to require any participant to withdraw from the tour at any time, when such actions are determined by the tour director to be in the best interest of the health, safety, and general welfare of the tour group or of the individual participant. Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. does not accept liability for any carrier's cancellation penalty incurred by the purchase of a refundable domestic ticket to the tour departure city and return. Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of the owner at all times. As a condition to participating on the designated tour(s), each participant must agree to, and sign, the responsibility statement on the enclosed booking form. I give my permission for Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. to use my picture for publicity purposes. Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. only assist runners in making arrangements to participate in the Athens marathon and accepts no responsibility for the actual organization of the marathon. Marathon participants certify that that they are physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the competition to run the Marathon and assumes the risks incidental to such participation. This releases and forever discharges Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc. from all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs, or expenses of any nature arising out of or in any way connected with participation in the marathon.
Apostolos Greek Tours Inc. and it’s employees shall not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of any of its obligations hereunder due to minor negligence or to any cause of circumstances which is beyond its control, including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any such failure or delay as is caused by war, riots, civil disorder, strike, epidemics, orders of a relevant government, municipality or other authority which may be collectively called "force majeure".
Apostolos Greek Tours, Inc.
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