Apostolos Greek Tours “specialist for the Athens Marathon: The Authentic” has been providing quality, hassle-free marathon tour travel packages for runners to participate in the Athens Marathon since 1994.
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The Athens Marathon: The Authentic is like no other on Earth. According to legend, it covers the same ground that the Athenian messenger Phiedippides ran when he brought news of victory from the battlefield of Marathon 2,500 years ago. When you run the Athens Marathon: The Authentic, you run in the very footsteps of the ancient gods and heros that gave birth to western civilization. The finish line is in Athens’ magnificent Olympic Stadium, the birthplace of the modern Olympic Games. Those who run the Athens Marathon: The Authentic say it is an experience they’ll never forget.
The Athens Marathon: The Authentic is recognized as the original marathon course and it was the same course used in the 2004 Olympics held in Athens.
Apostolos Greek Tours offers you the best way to experience the Athens Marathon. Paul Samaras, who personally conducts the Athens Marathon Tour each year, is a Greek native now living in Denver. He works closely S.E.G.A.S.(hellenic amateur athletic association) and others in Greece to smooth out the hassles so you can concentrate on what matters—running your best and experiencing Greece. Check out what is included in the Apostolos Marathon Tour packages. Check out what some of the previous tour members had to say about the Athens Marathon and Apostolos Greek Tours.
The Athens Marathon 26.2 miles is run entirely on asphalt. The first twelve kilometers are level. The middle nineteen kilometers are gentle long hills. The final eleven kilometers are downhill. The finish line is in Athens’ magnificent Olympic Stadium.
November 9th, 2025
9:00 AM at the ancient battlefield in the town of Marathon. Apostolos Greek Tours delivers you to the starting line in a comfortable chartered bus, so that you can start the day preparing yourself to run your best.
You must be at least 18 years old to enter the Athens Marathon. There is no qualifying time. The course is open for 8 hours. For the 10k and 5k you must be at least 12 years old with parental authorization.
Sunday November 9th, 2025
Saturday, November 8th, 2025 “Evening”